Sunday, December 14, 2008

We Have Snow! (but no baby yet)

Back yard looking white and beautiful.

Labor induction Methow style - we'll see if it works!


Kassio said...

Well, if chopping wood doesn't work to induce labor, I'm not sure what would. Thinking of you both...Kassio, Mike, Dillon

Diane Davis said...

i was just thinking of you today. but somehow i envisioned you in a warm house holding a new baby. little smock is really holding out!

Mary said...

hey there big smocks! Back from my Canadian ski trip and was hoping (as I'm sure you were) for a baby smock. Hope you aren't getting too restless - hang in there. :-) It will all happen soon - enjoy the present moment as much as you can (bum-freezing as it is). Will call tomorrow to chat!