Saturday, November 29, 2008

A very special thanks to our parents,

who spent the Saturday after Thanksgiving helping to clean up our yard and prep the house for the birth. All systems are now a go... We are all waiting on baby Smock to make its move.

Soooo Biiiiggggg = HUGE!!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Who's my daddy?

Covering some Zeppelin

A summer's harvest

Momma Smock goes a huntin'

Saturn - Halloween Costume

Studio Photo Set - Black and Whites

Pregnant at my brother's wedding

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ultrasound Video


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Summer Time Belly

June, July, August

Other Pregnant Friends

Friday, November 14, 2008


Babymoon in October on Orcas Island.

early pregnancy 1

2 year anniversary at out wedding site - Momma Smock drops a hint of seeds germinating in her belly...

We're having a ?????

It's been 8 long months since we found out that my boy's can swim. It seems like snow was on the ground still when the truth was discovered, and now snow is almost on the ground again! Where did the summer go?

In true '08 fashion - We are creating a baby birth blog (BBB) so that y'all savvy web people can keep up to date on our progress. We will soon be putting photos up to make the occasion seem all the more real, so check back soon.

By the way, did we mention that we're having a ?????! (Sike - we still don't know either)