Monday, September 13, 2010

More Hayden Lake - now with Kreskos

Sarah ripping it up...

Family Tube

Summer time at Hayden Lake, ID

more Twisp 4th of July photos

Quin Checking out Luc and the Lovingtons (

Dancing with Mama
Mr Crandall tossing the clubs
Sola wants her toy back

Come on Quin, give me my toy back!

Twisp 4th of July Parade

Cousin Anna doing the African Dance

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

May - June: Rain, Flowers & Patio Construction

They say April showers brings May flowers, but this year April was dry and windy and paved the way for a cool, wet spring and the rain is holding back the brown hills as things are still green around here. It's good the irrigation water didn't come on until June 1, since we didn't need it. In fact, we continue to see rain a few days/ week, interrupted by brief sunny warm days, but nothing to call summer yet. We wait.....but the rain has been good for the garden, the rivers, and Sarah's allergies. The heat will come and when it does, we will cry "couldn't we just get a day of rain".

Patio construction is in full swing, though slow. After spending every free moment shoveling dirt, Hans finally relented and rented the back-hoe from the feed store....and we had a blast excavating the patio area. Quin loves to get dirty, so the big pit has been a treasure of a playground. We are going to pour a slab soon, after the gravel comes, and then finally by August we might have a patio. What have we done with all the dirt?....we've created a series of berms through the yard that will be landscaped in the next few years.

On another topic, Moshi and Quin have come into a mutual understanding that leaving one another alone is probably best for them both. Moshi is in Kindergarten for puppies, and doing quite well. She can sit, stay, come (sometimes), lay down and generally listens when being beckoned especially if treats are involved.