Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bravery at the ER

I had my first visit to the Emergency Room in Omak this week. I don't want to do that again! I split my head open on the fireplace brick wrestling with Daddy and boy did it hurt. They had to hold me down to put the stitches in and it took 4 grown people to do it. I only needed two stitches, but came home with four new stickers! Here are the gory details:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Fun around the House

Baking with mom, my favorite treat!

Post bath time with Emmit playing trains!

Building a Ferry Boat!


I couldn't decide what to be: A horsey or an airplane, how about a Flying Horse. I went trick or treating with the Abominable Snow Mom.

Bike Festival Fun

Mom took me to the Methow Valley Fall Bike Festival where we saw some trick bikers and got to ride the obstacle course with my friends, Watch me go!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spring Finally

The winter was great - but it is equally great to be into Spring! Getting to play in the garden, see the beautiful flowers, and go camping is a great relief from being inside all the time...

We've had some fun birthday celebrations this spring, some good holidays, and just a great time exploring the outdoors. Now its on to summer!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Around the House and Garden

Here are some images from around the house and garden. Come visit us to gather around the hearth or enjoy the view from the patio!
Making salsa, patio planters and garden beds, sunrise and sunflowers. Mama made a mantle out of recycled timbers and we put track lights in the living room to get it ready for the long dark winters.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Best of summer 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Time

Summer Time is On!

Summer Time

Friday, June 10, 2011

Inside - Out.


Click on this album! Quin has been busy with the camera, mixing colors, cooking calzones and playing with his buddy Tesh in the garden. June has brought rain and sun; here are the activities Quin has been up to Inside and Out.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Banks Lake Year 2

We went back to Banks Lake again for another round of Spring camping on the Columbia Plateau. The ticks were awful and the weather got severe, but we had a darn good time and always long for our little piece of the Sea of Cortez of Washington.

Fishin' the Methow River

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

Visiting Paul & Sam's Farm

New Pigs
From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

Mother's Day Hike at Sun Mountain

Quin was a great hiker - he ran down the Mountain from the Lodge to Patterson Lake all by himself!!!
From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011

From Winter-Spring_2011