Monday, April 20, 2009

4 months already!

Big Blue Eyes
April has been bringing warm weather and Mama has been taking me outside everyday. Now that I am 4 months, I can sit up for a few seconds on my own, I can turn over onto my back from my tummy, I grab my toys and place them in my mouth, I talk babble and squeek, I also giggle and gaze into moms eyes like a love sick puppy. I constantly want to suck and bite things and drool on everything. I love my johnny-jump up, it is my favorite distraction for me and Mama.
Mom likes to garden with me-she learned this trick in the Peace Corps. She is really busy trying to get blueberry bushes planted, lots of veggies, and flower beds planted on her days off. I spend time in my swing, my johnny-jump-up, my stroller or my basinet basket. She erects a shade for me so I stay out of the sun while I nap outside listening to birdsongs and watching the laundry blow in the wind. Like Mama and Daddy, I love being in the garden, and I can't wait to eat the baby food she is growning! Did I mention that I love watching
My first cooking lesson.

I am working really hard to roll over theses days. So far I have done it a few times, but each time it surprises me.
Special Daddy time.
I get to spend early mornings with Dad. He wakes me up and lets mom sleep in-this makes everyone happy. Then when he gets home from work, he plays with me and smothers me with kisses.

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