Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Breakfast

Sure is bright out here

Happy Mother's Day Mama, thanks for all the late night night feedings. I still really like those. Mom has been taking me hiking when she can or in the bike trailer. She is trying to get in shape again and I get to come along for the ride. For Mother's Day, Daddy packed a breakfast picnic and we hiked up Patterson Mt. to see the sunflowers and snowy peaks. It was really pretty and we also got to pet a heard of horses on the way down. Dad is home a little more now with a new work schedule and I get to see more of him, which is really fun. He really makes me laugh. Did I mention that I can sit up on my own now. I also try really hard at grabbing everything, including hair, skin, eyes, and cheeks. I have pulled out a lot of Mama's hair . I suck and bite on anything. I even gave my Daddy a hickey on his cheek- that's right, a hickey! Mom started a new playgroup class with Casey and Baby Oliver: so far not many moms and Tots have showed up, but hopefully over time more will come. The most exciting thing this month is definately watching people eat! I get so excited I almost jump out of my seat when I see people eat. I think I am ready to start trying it, but Mama says not until I can really sit up on own - I'm still a bit too wabbley.

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