Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bath time

Quin seems to enjoy being in the water. I know his parents love watching him be in the water. We're glad to finally have a video uploaded for you to enjoy!


Kathryn said...

Oh, he is so beautiful. Those eyes! I can't believe it has been six weeks already. I love the photos of you all skiing. Andre and I are making carrot cup cakes tonight for Ada's first birthday party. It has been a magical year for us. Enjoy your sweet new family.

Lots of love to you,

joanna said...

I love it! He is such a cutie...and go mom! Just add milk...
Clara had her first sink bath this week - at first she wasn't sure, then she was pretty sure she loved it, and then she fell sound asleep! Oh babies, so fun. We are hoping to plan a visit to your neck of the woods some time this Spring. Keep the pics comin'!! -joanna

Broderick Smith said...

Studly Smith!